Chuck Dogg – Why Mentoring Is The Way To Learn

Our actual comparison, I think that this is actually much better because this is a one on one situation with me and the students that I have. I actually don’t do this for the money, I actually do it more so because of the fact that I care about people and I feel like my goal in life is to help people get to where they want to be. And actually taking on those people and putting them under my wing like other people did for me. When I used to work in the studio with Blackstreet, I worked in the studio with Blackstreet with Dave Hollister. Dave Hollister and a couple of other guys from that camp and they were really big at that time and they took me in and another group named Surface who was a real R&B group back in the day, and they took me in and they actually showed step by step how you make tracks because I am a producer as well. How to make tracks, how to produce the artists, how to tell them what to do, how to write songs and they actually sat there with me and I learnt that stuff. So Career Connection to me is that connection that I can give to other people, kind of reach back and say look, it is cool to actually get with the person individually as opposed to being in a group setting, where you have a lot of people. I went to Hampton University which is a predominantly black school and the class size was like a 100 and some people in the class. It was huge. No personal attention, no ability to really get one on one feedback from your professors and so and so forth and also a lot of the people that were teaching us didn’t really know about the craft. They knew it from a clinical stand point as far as what was in a book, but they didn’t really know the current status of the industry and I think that’s where Career Connection makes a real big impact is because of the fact that the people who the students are being placed with, they are being placed with people who are in the industry, who are doing a lot of things. My students get to come with me and go to beats, like when I am doing a club beats see they come with me. These days in clubs they come with me when I am doing Chuck TV they come with me they are a part of the whole situation, and everything that I do as a person now because there is more than just jumping on a mic and being a personality. There is a lot more to it.

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