Success Stories

Your journey to greatness starts with the Radio Connection!

Can’t wait to see what I’ll learn next week

My second day at KHTS was great. I spent my morning sitting in on a talk show with local police officers. I really enjoyed this because Justin let me sit next to him and he showed me a little how the board works. I’m slowly feeling a little bit more comfortable and I’m very grateful how helpful everyone at the station has been. I then got to sit in with Chuck and practice more with the logs and he even showed me how to produce and imput a spot. My favorite part of the day is when the afternoon show starts. Tori the new host has been so great. She lets me do a ton of live reads and I even helped her interview Swoop Brown whos an artist tat will be performing at the strawberry festival in Oxnard at the end of May.

Next week I get to be on air with George who does the morning show.

Invest in Your Future

This day was really eventful. I ran the board for the Sherriff talk show as I do every other Thursday. My mentor was super awesome and let me record a spot for the station. He also let me mix it down and put it in the log. Chuck is really awesome when it comes to help me with my future.

Experienced Mentors

“I’m already having a blast! My mentor is a really nice guy and he’s doing a great job of showing me the ropes!”

One on One Sessions

“It was fascinating to watch and I learned so much in the process!”

After a Podcast Tutoring session…

“Thank you so much for giving me this tool that’s a stepping stone to my future!”


“This past week I helped edit and produce a segment for the night show on Mix 93.3. I learned the tricks of editing and making the sound equal. I also learned about leaving a second at the end of the segment to allow for smoother transitions. I consider myself to be pretty adept at editing. I also did a lot of research for segments on the show because they were taking a trip to Houston for the KC Chiefs playoffs game and I researched fun facts and different fun tourist stops along the way that they used on the radio. All in all it was a fun week and I am getting more comfortable speaking/recording and editing. I love doing fun little research projects and learning about the production process of the radio shows.”

Everyone here has been so amazing.

“Hello Radio Connection Community. I must say, I am EXTREMELY excited for this opportunity. Music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember, and now I have the opportunity to contribute to it. The only other time in my life I have been so excited to start a new chapter in my life was when I got married to the love of my life, and best friend, Nicole.

I had my initial interview with my mentor on Jan. 6th. I was so nervous, because I was going to a station that plays country music. I, admittedly, am not a huge fan of country music, so I thought that was going to be a deal breaker, but everyone has been very supportive. I have come in every weekday since then. Everyone here has been so amazing. Jenny, my mentor, has had me contributing to the station’s blog, and sitting in with Crier Dillon while he was doing his live show. Today I get to record a commercial spot. I am so happy that I get the opportunity to contribute in so many ways.

I can’t wait to see how everyone else’s experience is going.”

I am a regular part of the show and am on the air every time I am there.

“I had been a regular listener of my mentor Tommy G when he was the “leader of the late night” on one of New Jersey’s biggest stations a few years ago. You could only imagine how thrilled I was to hear that he was going to be my new mentor. He wasn’t just a talk show host that I heard of or listened to here and there. This was the guy that I listened to night after night driving home. I knew the type of show he did, I knew his personality, I knew the regular callers that called in. So it was a little strange talking to him on the phone the first time because the guy I listened to every night on my drive home on the radio was now talking to me. After talking to him the first time I knew this was going to be the best place I could have ever hoped to be. From the very first day, Tommy G put me on the air. Now he didn’t just put me on the air to fill air time, he put me on the air to see if (A) I would crack under the pressure of being on live radio and (B) to introduce me to the audience as a new voice to the show. I don’t just sit there quiet in a corner and watch him do his thing, I am a regular part of the show and am on the air every time I am there. The show can be heard live Mon-Fri from 3-6 on 1450AM WCTC in the central NJ area or always playing on and also on the tunein app.”

Having a blast

“I am having a blast and look forward to getting my name out there.”

I had a great first day with my new mentor Jay Dixon.

I had a great first day with my new mentor Jay Dixon. We reviewed the early experimentations of radio back in the 19th century with innovators like Hertz and Marconi at the forefront and groundbreaking moments such as the very first commercial (lasted just over ten minutes at a Queens, NY law firm) the very first commercial jingle (barbershop quartet singing a cappella for Wheaties cereal in 1926), and a 1920 broadcast from what’s considered to be the first commercial radio station, KDKA in Pittsburgh, PA. Jay gave me the opportunity to listen to some of these recordings and it was fascinating to hear the tremendous difference in sound quality compared to a modern day commercial or radio broadcast; there is a lot of crackling static in the background and the announcer in the KDKA recording frequently clears his throat.

I also got to listen in to a conference call between Jay and the team behind a San Francisco morning radio show starring comedian Mark Curry. Jay was consulting the team on recurring ideas that could be used for this new program premiering next week. One of the ideas, Community Events, tied in to a conversation me and Jay had about the importance of serving a local community through radio. I was also able to contribute questions to some of the ideas that Jay thought would be great to ask to the team (ie: for a segment titled “Mark’s Inspirational Moments”, who are the moments coming from? Mark? The audience? Both?). Overall, a key lesson I learned from that conference call is Jay’s skepticism about a morning show team wanting to “create the benchmark organically”. In other words, most morning shows aim to create natural, fun conversation among the on-air team with the assumption that the audience knows what they’re talking about. According to Jay, the audience usually never knows. This leads to a popular complaint of morning shows: “The DJ’s talk too much! I just want to hear my favorite song”. Jay notes that the problem isn’t the talking, it’s the fact that morning shows don’t “spoon feed” the listeners enough when it comes to on-air banter. Listeners need to feel like they apart of the conversation as opposed to feeling like an awkward eavesdropper.

Finally, Jay invited me to sit in and observe Hot 97’s music scheduling on a 24 hour basis. I learned that the most popular songs have to be played a certain amount throughout the day and night to sustain listenership, but the key thing is to not drive listeners away with overkill. Next time, we will go over FCC rules and regulations. Looking forward to it!

First Two Weeks!

“So far Brendan has me helping him a lot with his MOS or man on the street segment. This is where we go around downtown Chicago and ask people our daily question. After that we begin to splice and edit the answers for their show. When he goes and does his podcast he has me type up a quick sports news page along with some cool articles from TMZ or E!”

Another Door Opens (Pt. III)

“Not only would I be able to nab another star athlete and one of my close friends on the PLNU camps, I raised the bar for this interview. My interviews with Parker and Wiggins were both done via phone conversations that were pre-recorded, edited and posted hours after on my Mixcloud page. The demand on pre-recording, along with doing production work were the last things I wanted to do over the weekend, so I raised the bar for this interview. The interview was LIVE STREAMED on both my personal YouTube channel along with a simulcast stream right here on the website. Live streaming the interview was important to me, not just because of the demand of pre-recording and editing everything, but I chose to live stream it for not just my school staff up at RRF in Los Angeles, but also for both the families and friends of Jess and myself and it was also shown live to show once more show my gratitude and appreciation to Jess and her family for what happened back in Pt. II of the story.”

This week I pretty much jumped into it!

“I chose the music, hosted the show, produced it, (all under supervision of course) It’s getting easier and the more I put my hands on it, the more I understand and can picture my own show easier. Also, the program’s newspaper people are doing an interview with me, so I guess I’m doing okay!”

I’m freaking proud of it.

“Tonight we went through start to – as close to finish as we could get – creating, recording and producing the radio show! We went through and picked the music, made sure it flowed nicely, got the show outline ready and then recorded the talking points (including MY introduction to the show) and then produced the show and put it together. It sounds so good and even though it’s not my show technically! I’m freaking proud of it. Next week, I’ll likely be taking the reins and trying it on my own. This is good!”

Now I will start putting together a resume and trying to find my first real job!

“On Sunday I went into the studio and recorded my very own DJ show! I wrote out the script and was able to record and edit most of it on Sunday night. I came back on Tuesday to finish adding certain touches. I’m really happy with how it turned out and I hope to receive good feedback from it. Now I will start putting together a resume and trying to find my first real job!”

It was INSANE!!!

“Yesterday was the first day of the NFL year which means free agency and trades could begin. It was INSANE!!! Trades for players you never thought would be traded happened and deals were being signed with big target free agents switching teams. Let’s just say it was a lot of fun to listen and read about. So today at the radio show my mentor got to break down the aftermath of what had occurred yesterday afternoon. There was so much content to cover which my mentor says is never a bad thing. It makes your show more enjoyable and it goes by a lot quicker.”

Vince Vaughn was on the show and it was incredible!

“The interview was over the phone but it was none the less incredible. He was so funny, and knowledgeable about sports. It was a thrill to hear one of my favorite actors on the phone on the same radio station I was at. I can’t wait to do these kinds of interviews, crossing my favorite pop culture icons with the sports world. I bet the listeners got a big thrill out of it as well.”

Session 8

“On Sunday January 4 I recorded ten Public Service Announcements as well as a weather report. I found it fun and interesting to write the PSAs and also record and edit them. Some of my original PSAs were a little short and my mentor didn’t find them quite informative enough. After some instruction I wrote five more PSAs while in the studio and I believe I maintain a firm grasp on how to write and record them now. I also continued on to the next section where I read about and recorded a weather report. The flow and wording of the weather report was something I had to pay good attention to because it used a lot of words that I’m not used to. Overall, I think my recordings are turning out well. I’m very excited for the next chapter on disc jockeying because it is where my greatest interest lies. I will be bringing someone else into the studio with me next week to conduct an interview!”

Can’t wait for Week 2!

Hello fellow students! I wanted to let all of you know that my Day 1 was awesome! Being in the same room and the excitement of being on the air live with Joe Grande was an experience that I am constantly thinking of all week. Can’t wait for Week 2! I also got to meet the guy at the station that prepares the announcer’s clips on the games. I helped him edit the clips from 40-60 seconds down to 15-20 seconds. It’s just another one of those jobs that somebody has to do. Seems to be these types of jobs at each station. I also assisted Joe with some stats that I was following prior to our meeting. He used them on the air!”

I look forward to going back next week

“I returned to the WMMR studio on Sunday, November 2nd. Previously throughout the week I had worked on section 2 and practiced recording some sample commercials. When I met with my mentor he set me up in the studio again and had me record all the commercials from assignment 2. After going over them with me, the only real pointer he had was to work on my volume. I’m very confident in my reads and really enjoyed recording them in the studio. Once we finished, I exported all of the files and watched Rabbi on air for a while. I look forward to going back next week to record some more practice commercials and work on timing.”

I’m really excited to practice and record vocal techniques with more guidance.

“I learned how to use the microphone and v-pro controls on the soundboards and spent about an hour and a half by myself recording anything that came to my mind and editing it. This wasn’t exactly the experience I had anticipated, but I had a lot of fun recording myself and listening to the tracks I’d made. I believe next week, after I’ve practiced and read more of my material, I’ll start learning a lot more. I’m looking forward to it and am really excited to practice and record vocal techniques with more guidance.”

The interview itself was interesting

“I worked in the studio and completed assignment 14. I brought my girlfriend, Danielle, with me because the assignment was to interview someone. I interviewed her about her job. Sean critiqued it and said it was a good interview. It was put together well and the interview itself was interesting to hold his attention.”

Jacob Daniels is having a blast at KFBK 1530 AM in Sacramento

Jacob Daniels is having a blast at KFBK 1530 AM in Sacramento with mentor Pat Walsch! Pat stated that Jacob has been a very hardworker, enthusiastic from day one, and always eager to get in the studio and learn more! Jacob has even been helping out other externs at the studio whenever he can. Currently, Jacob is learning how to edit on adobe and works with Pat on his weekly show!

“His delivery has gotten better each day and he’s a great kid to work with!”

— Pat Walsch

My mentor is absolutely phenomenal.

In 2002-2004 David worked as an intern 101KLOL before attending Radio Connection.

“My mentor is absolutely phenomenal. I love working with him. I’ve been listening to him for the last four years on the radio here in Austin and it’s been great being able to learn from a legend. I’m truly excited about this opportunity and know that if I do the job that I’m capable of doing that I will succeed beyond my wildest dreams.”

Brian found his golden opportunity through Radio Connection.

Brian always dreamed of being on the air now has the opportunity to work a weekly radio show with Melody Allen in Whittier, CA. After several attempts at finding a home for his talent, Brian finally found his golden opportunity through Radio Connection.

“Since I was in high school i wanted to be in radio. During high school I interned at my local tv station, but once high school ended, it finished. I went to college and majored in communications, but school became too expensive… That’s when I found Radio Connection.”


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