Session 8 - Radio Connection Success Stories
“On Sunday January 4 I recorded ten Public Service Announcements as well as a weather report. I found it fun and interesting to write the PSAs and also record and edit them. Some of my original PSAs were a little short and my mentor didn’t find them quite informative enough. After some instruction I wrote five more PSAs while in the studio and I believe I maintain a firm grasp on how to write and record them now. I also continued on to the next section where I read about and recorded a weather report. The flow and wording of the weather report was something I had to pay good attention to because it used a lot of words that I’m not used to. Overall, I think my recordings are turning out well. I’m very excited for the next chapter on disc jockeying because it is where my greatest interest lies. I will be bringing someone else into the studio with me next week to conduct an interview!”