Radio DJ
You’ve listened to radio since you were a kid. You’ve always been obsessed with it, right? You love everything from 1940’s radio serials like The Long Ranger, Dragnet, and The Green Hornet to Carson Daly. You’re a radio fanatic.
All you want to do with your life is be a Radio DJ, to be the voice behind the mic.
But you don’t know where to start. You don’t know anyone in radio and you’re not even really sure what you need to do to be eligible to be a DJ.
Well, young aspiring Radio DJ, that’s what our sole purpose is. That’s what the Radio Connection does. We pair passionate individuals with real working radio professionals. Your mentor will be doing exactly what you want to be doing. You’ll be learning from someone who already has the job that you want. You’ll be learning every aspect of the craft, you’ll be in a real radio station, and you be meeting people and making contacts.
That’s the key, really. Making contacts. In a business like this you have to know people. And, more importantly, people in positions of power need to know you. And that’s the driving purpose of our program. To get you into the radio station, to put you to work, and to introduce you to people who are able to hire you.
The end goal of our program is to jump start your career.
You’ll be in the same room with the decision makers, you’ll have one-on-one mentorship, and you’ll be meeting new contacts everyday. The determining factor is you, young aspiring Radio DJ. Do you have what it takes? Do you have the drive, passion, the endurance, and the will to prove yourself?
That’s up to you.