How the Radio Connection Works – Blake Lampkin
The Radio Connection receives numerous inquiries about how our radio externship program functions. We’ve decided to take it upon ourselves to assemble a list of commonly asked questions to assist you in your educational decision-making process.
What is the process of enrolling in the Radio Connection like?
After an initial phone interview with one of our admissions counselors, the next step would be to set you up with the tour of the facility and to meet your potential mentor.
What does the initial phone interview consist of?
Our counselor will just need to build a profile for you, make sure you understand everything thoroughly and also figure out the things you want to learn and experience. In addition, they’ll collect a payment preference which does not lock you into anything. It’s just a simple indication, so when and if it comes down to paying tuition, everyone is on the same page. They’ll also take down your address so we can find a suitable location within a reasonable distance of you.
What type of things will I learn in the program?
You’ll be learning things like the history of broadcasting, FCC rules and regulations. You’ll be going through courses like breathing and voice exercises, also speech training. You’ll be learning a lot about copy and commercial writing, news broadcasting, sports announcements, public service announcements. Those are just a few of the things. As well as working side by side with your mentor.